Our annual conference is making a return to Montreal with a new name - CIM Connect!


Women in Mining Reception

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Tuesday, May 14 | 17:00 to 19:00
Price: $90

We invite you to join CIM and Women in Mining BC (WIMBC) for an evening of drinks and appetizers, as we come together to celebrate the values of diversity and inclusion in the mining industry. This event offers a unique opportunity to connect with a diverse and vibrant community of industry professionals. Whether you’re looking to make new connections, share insights, or simply engage in meaningful conversations, we welcome you to join us and be a part of this empowering gathering.

Keynote Speaker

Jenn Stuart
Executive Director of the Priorities Advancement and Indigenous Relations (PAIR) Branch

Jen Stuart will be delivering a compelling presentation on - "Championing Change: Women's Impact in Mining and Sustainable Resource Development."

Last year's reception

Tuesday, May 14 – 15:30 to 16:45 Room: 109

Women in Mining Panel

In addition to our scheduled program, we will host a "Women in Mining Panel," organized by Women in Mining BC, providing a platform for discussions on the invaluable contributions and perspectives of women in the mining industry. This panel aims to highlight achievements, challenges, and opportunities for women professionals in the field.

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Co-sponsored by

  • DSS+
  • Genome BC

Beyond Good Intentions: Gender Equity in Canadian Mining Now

Learn more about the Women in Mining Panel here